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Version 3.5.0

Release date: May 14, 2013

  • Fluent API: Added support for subqueries (supported since Sphinx 2.1.1).
  • Fluent API: DateTime properties which can be translated to a Sphinx equivalent (e.g. Month), can now be used directly with GroupBy().
  • Fluent API: Added support for n best group-by (Sphinx 2.2.1).
  • Fluent API: Arguments to Snippets() and Crc32() methods weren't properly escaped.
  • SphinxQL/Fluent API: Some optimizations to reduce memory usage and improve performance.
  • SphinxQL: SphinxQLDataReader.GetSchemaTable() should return null for non-select statements instead of throwing a NullReferenceException.
  • Native API: Added property for Sphinx 2.0.8 to SphinxVersion class.