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Version 2.4.0

Release date: November 1, 2010

  • Added RowUpdating and RowUpdated events to the SphinxQLDataAdapter class.
  • Implemented the GetSchema() method in the SphinxQLDataReader class.
  • Added support for the command type TableDirect.
  • Handling of OutOfMemoryException, StackOverflowException and ThreadAbortException in the SphinxQL implementation has been improved.
  • Support for using SphinxQLConnection, SphinxQLDataAdapter and SphinxQLCommand from the Visual Studio designer has been improved.
  • A bug in the handling of pooled connections which could cause connections to have an invalid state was fixed.
  • Exceptions that occured during a commit or rollback of a TransactionScope weren't logged correctly.
  • Committing or rolling back a transaction twice would throw a NullReferenceException instead of an InvalidOperationException.