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Version 4.0.0

Release date: April 18, 2018

  • General: .NET 4.5 is now the minimum required version when running on .NET Framework.
  • General: Added build for .NET Standard 2.0.
  • General: Sphinx 2.2.1 is now the minimum required version.
  • SphinxQL/FluentAPI: Added implementations of async methods.
  • SphinxQL/FluentAPI: A number of optimizations to reduce memory allocations and garbage collections.
  • SphinxQL/FluentAPI: Adapted version string parser to work with Manticore Search.
  • Fluent API: The JSON.NET library is no longer merged into the SphinxConnector.dll, it is now referenced via NuGet. This is a possible breaking change.
  • Fluent API: SphinxConnector.NET now uses the FastExpressionCompiler to compile expression trees which results in faster execution times and less memory allocations.
  • Fluent API: Added new method Metadata() to IFulltextQuery and removed overloads of ToList(), First() etc. that return query metadata. This is a breaking change.
  • Fluent API: Statement generation for Where() now emits braces, as Manticore Search added support for using OR in WHERE. The number of generated braces can still be optimized, which will be done in a future version.
  • Fluent API: Added method Set to IFulltextQueryOptions which takes the option name as a string parameter, to allow newly added options to be used immediately.
  • Fluent API: Added overload to extension method GetSnippet which takes an instance of SnippetOptions as an argument.
  • Fluent API: Fixed cast not being emitted when accessing a numeric value in a dictionary within Select().