by Dennis
3. September 2012 10:03
We are pleased to announce that the new major version of SphinxConnector.NET is now available for download!
Those of you who have been following the blog already know about the big new feature coming with this release: the fluent query API. The fluent API provides you with a LINQ-like query API to design your full-text queries. It operates directly on your document models and also lets you comfortably save and delete documents from real-time indexes.
A description with much more details is available on the features page.
Another highlight of this release is the newly added support for the Mono runtime. Additionally, we've upgraded Common.Logging to version 2, which provides support for recent releases of the supported logging frameworks. We've also added support for running SphinxConnector.NET in medium-trust environments. There are a bunch of other improvements which are listed in the version history.
SphinxConnector.NET is now available as a NuGet package, which we know many of you have been waiting for!
Licensing and Upgrading
With the new release we're switching to a subscription based licensing system. All new purchases and upgrades come with a 1 year upgrade subscription which gives you access to all major and minor releases made during the subscription period. At the end of the subscription period you can renew your license for just 40% of the then current price.
If you bought your license in 2012, you will receive SphinxConnector.NET 3.0 and all other releases made this year for free! Afterwards you can renew your licenses at the conditions outlined above.
If you bought your license before 2012, you can also renew your license for just 40% of the current price!
We are also introducing a new license type, the 'Large Team License' for up to eight developers, to make up for the fact that we had to raise the price for the site license quite a bit more than we wished. If you have purchased a Site License you can downgrade to a Large Team License if you're eligible.
You can now also purchase a premium support subscription along with your license or license renewal. All details can be found on our purchase page.
If you would like to send us feedback about the new version, you can use the contact form or send us an e-mail to