SphinxConnector.NET 1.3 has been released

February 25, 2010

The latest version of SphinxConnector.NET, a .NET client API for the Sphinx fulltext search engine, is now available for download. The new version contains several improvements and new features.


  • The network code has been optimized, such that operations within a persistent connection perform much faster, in case Sphinx is not located on the same machine as the calling application.
  • SphinxConnector.NET can execute SphinxQL queries via the native Sphinx protocol.
  • The method EscapeString has been added along with the new SphinxHelper class. EscapeString can be used to reliably escape special Sphinx characters in a query string.
  • The encoding that is used to send and receive strings from Sphinx can now be specified. This is useful for indexes that are configured to use sbcs as character encoding. The default encoding is UTF8.
  • Support for the upcoming Sphinx version 1.10.1 has been added. The support for Sphinx 0.9.10 has been removed.

A complete list of changes is available in the version history.

[ Download SphinxConnector.NET 1.3 ]

If you would like to send us feedback about the new version, you can use the contact form or send us an e-mail to contact@sphinxconnector.net.