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OperationType Enumeration

Indicates the type of operation.

Namespace:  SphinxConnector.FluentApi
Assembly:  SphinxConnector (in SphinxConnector.dll) Version: 5.4.1
public enum OperationType
  Member nameValueDescription
Query0 Indicates that the operation in progress is querying for documents.
Save1 Indicates that the operation in progress is saving documents.
Delete2 Indicates that the operation in progress is deleting documents.
BuildSnippets3 Indicates that the operation in progress is building snippets.
BuildKeywords4 Indicates that the operation in progress is building keywords.
FlushIndex5 Indicates that the operation in progress is flushing an index.
OptimizeIndex6 Indicates that the operation in progress is optimizing an index.
TruncateIndex7 Indicates that the operation in progress is truncating an index.
Suggestions8 Indicates that the operation in progress is getting suggestions.
See Also