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SphinxSearchOptions Properties

The SphinxSearchOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCutoff
Gets or sets the cutoff, i.e. searchd will stop processing results after the specified number of matches have been processed. Default is 0, which means not to cut off results.
Public propertyDistributedRetryCount
Gets or sets the distributed retry count.
Public propertyDistributedRetryDelay
Gets or sets the distributed retry delay.
Public propertyCode exampleGroupBy
Gets or sets the attribute to group by.
Public propertyGroupByFunction
Gets or sets the group by function. Default is Day.
Public propertyGroupDistinct
Gets or sets the group distinct attribute.
Public propertyGroupSort
Gets or sets the group sort clause. Default is @group desc.
Public propertyLimit
Gets or sets a limit for the number of matches to return from searchd. Default is 20.
Public propertyMatchMode
Gets or sets the match mode. Default is All.
Public propertyMaxDocumentId
Gets or sets the maximum id for a document to be matched. Default is 0.
Public propertyMaxMatches
Gets or sets the maximum number of documents that searchd will match. Default is 1000.
Public propertyMaxQueryTime
Gets or sets the maximum time for a query. This value is applied per index. Default is MaxValue which means no limit.
Public propertyMinDocumentId
Gets or sets the mininum Id for a document to be matched. Default is 0.
Public propertyOffset
Gets or sets the offset from which to return results from searchd.
Public propertyQueryFlags
Gets or sets additional query flags. Supported with Sphinx 2.1.1 and up.
Public propertyRankingExpression
Gets or sets the ranking expression to use with rank mode Expression.
Public propertyRankMode
Gets or sets the rank mode. Default is ProximityBM25
Public propertySelect
Gets or sets the select clause. Default is "*";
Public propertySortBy
Gets or sets a sort-by expression. Only valid if SortMode is not set to Relevance.
Public propertySortMode
Gets or sets the sort mode. Default is Relevance.
See Also