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ISphinxQLExecutor Methods

The ISphinxQLExecutor type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleExecuteNonQuery
Executes a non-query command.
Public methodCode exampleExecuteNonQueryAsync(String, Object)
Asynchronously executes a non-query command.
Public methodCode exampleExecuteNonQueryAsync(String, CancellationToken, Object)
Asynchronously executes a non-query command.
Public methodCode exampleQueryT(String, Object)
Executes the given SphinxQL query and returns a list of results of the given type.
Public methodCode exampleQueryT(String, QueryMetadata, Object)
Executes the given SphinxQL query and returns a list of results of the given type along with the query metadata. Note: 'SHOW META' is automatically appended to the query.
Public methodCode exampleQueryMulti
Executes the given SphinxQL multi-query and returns an instance of MultiQueryResult that can be used to retrieve the results for the queries.
See Also