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Version 3.2.0

Release date: January 30, 2013

  • Fluent API: Added support for enums. By default enums are persisted and retrieved as integers. This can be changed by setting ConventionConfiguration.SaveEnumsAsIntegers to false.
  • Fluent API: Added preliminary support for JSON attributes that are introduced with the upcoming Sphinx 2.1 release.
  • Fluent API: Added method BuildKeywords to IFulltextSession.
  • Fluent API: Added methods FirstFuture and FirstOrDefaultFuture to IFulltextQuery.
  • Fluent API: Added support for new Sphinx 2.1 functions EXIST() and GROUPBY()
  • Fluent API: Added new methods AttachIndex(), FlushIndex(), OptimizeIndex(), TruncateIndex(), CreateFunction(), and DropFunction(). They can be accessed via the 'Advanced' property of the IFulltextSession interface.
  • Fluent API: Added overloads to First and FirstOrDefault that return query metadata.
  • Fluent API: Added support for option 'ignore_nonexistent_indexes' (Sphinx 2.1).
  • Fluent API: Read-only fields and properties that don't have a setter aren't included in the column list for SELECT any more.
  • Fluent API: Fixed bug when using weight() in an expression and projecting results in a class that did not have a property for weight.
  • Fluent API/SphinxQL: Internal changes for compatibility with Sphinx 2.1.
  • Fluent API/SphinxQL: Several internal optimizations to reduce memory usage and improve performance.
  • SphinxQL: Fixed warning about unread results from SphinxQLDataReader being off by one in rare cases.
  • SphinxQL: Fixed a deadlock that occurred during the retrieval of the next result of a multi-query, if said query caused an error on the Sphinx side.
  • Native API: Added support for option to ignore non existent column to UpdateAttributes method (Sphinx 2.1).
  • Native API: Added property for Sphinx 2.0.7 to SphinxVersion class.