An interesting article over at the MySQL Performance Blog was recently published about optimizing Sphinx queries that only filter by an attribute (i.e. do not contain a full-text query). I recommend reading the article first and then coming back here, but here’s a quick summary: a Sphinx query that only filters by an attribute may be relatively slow compared to an equivalent query in a regular DBMS. The reason for this is the fact that one cannot create indexes (as in B-tree indexes) for attributes in Sphinx as one would do in a DBMS. So to retrieve the results of such a query, Sphinx has to perform a full-scan of the index which is relatively costly depending on the size of the index.
The article describes a neat trick to get around this limitation: by adding a full-text indexed field for an attribute and querying that, one can achieve a greatly improved query time. In this post I’d like to demonstrate how this technique can be used with SphinxConnector.NET’s fluent API in conjunction with a real-time index.
The index in the articles example contains data about books, so I’ll be using that here as well. These documents have an integer attribute for a user id that we’d like to store as a full-text indexed field. Let’s take a look at what the document model should look like and which additional settings need to be applied.
To add the user id attribute to the full-text index it needs to be converted to a string. We’ll also add a prefix to each value to avoid it being included in the results of a “regular” full-text query. To do this, we add a string property to the document model that returns the converted and prefixed value:
public class CatalogItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string UserIdKey
get { return "userkey_" + UserId; }
As of Version 3.2, SphinxConnector.NET will automatically exclude any read-only property when selecting the results of a query, so no further setup is required here (it will of course still be inserted into the index during a save).
In previous versions of SphinxConnector.NET the UserIdKey property would have to be configured as follows:
fulltextStore.Conventions.IsFulltextFieldOnly = memberInfo => memberInfo.Name == "UserIdKey";
A query that uses the new attribute would then look this:
IList<CatalogItem> results = session.Query<CatalogItem>().
Match("@UserIdKey userkey_42").
For the sake of completeness, here’s the corresponding Sphinx configuration:
index catalog
type = rt
path = catalog
rt_field = title
rt_field = useridkey
rt_attr_string = title
rt_attr_uint = userid