SphinxConnector.NET 4.2 has been released

by Administrator 30. May 2019 12:20

We're pleased to announce that SphinxConnector.NET 4.2 is available for download and via NuGet!

This release contains some compatibility fixes for Manticore 3 and adds support for Manticore's REGEX() and CONCAT() functions. If you are using JSON attributes in conjunction with the fluent API you might want to checkout two new methods we've added to the JsonObjectSerializer. You can use these methods to access the raw bytes or chars returned from searchd and pass them directly to your JSON serializer if supported. This avoids the creation of intermediate strings which can be a huge saving. If you're looking for alternatives to JSON.NET, which is used by default by SphinxConnector.NET: we recently did a comparison of JSON serializers which can be found here.

For a full list of changes, please refer to the version history.
