Importing Data into Sphinx RT-Indexes with SphinxConnector.NET’s Fluent API

by Dennis 19. November 2012 12:04

If you are facing the task of importing data into a Sphinx RT-index, SphinxConnector.NET’s fluent API makes this really easy with just a couple lines of code (the document model class is omitted for brevity):

void Import()
    IFulltextStore fulltextStore = new FulltextStore().Initialize();

    int count = 0;

    using (IFulltextSession session = fulltextStore.StartSession())
        foreach (var document in GetDocuments())

            if (++count % fulltextStore.Settings.SaveBatchSize == 0)


The important part is the call to FlushChanges each time a batch of documents has been passed to Save. This avoids high memory usage when importing many documents, because SphinxConnector.NET has to keep each document in memory until FlushChanges is called (though for smaller datasets it might be acceptable to flush all changes at the end of the import process).

Not only is this much simpler than writing SphinxQL by hand, it’s also faster because of SphinxConnector.NET’s automatic batching. The default value for SaveBatchSize is 16, which provides good performance, but can of course be adjusted for environments where a higher batch size leads to even more performance.

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SphinxConnector.NET 3.1.3 released

by Dennis 1. November 2012 16:29

SphinxConnector.NET 3.1.3 has just been made available for download and via NuGet. A list of resolved issues is available in the version history.

